Orange Oven French Toast

I’m not a huge french toast fan, but I do love this recipe. The orange flavor really does brighten it up.  And the flavor changes with different kinds of bread so you can have some fun experimenting.
1 loaf bread of choice (I usually use a presliced french bread, I keep a couple in the freezer and can even make this without thawing first)
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup honey
2 tsp vanilla
4 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup orange juice
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp grated orange zest, optional 
Mix melted butter, honey, and vanilla together.
Pour in large ungreased cookie sheet.
Beat eggs, add remaining custard ingredients.
Dip bread slices in custard, place in pan, single layer.
Pour remaining custard mixture over bread.
Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes.
Turn over, bake 10 more minutes.

Cinnamon Swirl French Toast

I don’t make french toast very often, so I forgot how much my hubby likes it… And then I watched as he devoured a few plates, completely oblivious to our two crazy girls making all manner of noise and ruckus. TOTALLY unusual for them…
Anyways, I’ll have to make it a little more often seeing as how well this was received. And I used my home made whole wheat cinnamon swirl bread, but store bought would be okay too.
8 slices cinnamon swirl bread
2 eggs
1/4 c milk
1/4 c cream
1 T vanilla
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 T vanilla
Whisk together all ingredients except bread.
Heat pan or griddle over medium high heat, melt a little butter or oil in pan or use nonstick spray.
While pan is heating, soak a few pieces of bread in egg mixture.
Cook as many pieces at a time as pan allows, cooking for a couple minutes on each side.
While each batch is cooking, have the next batch soaking before it goes on the griddle.
Keep hot in a warm oven if needed.
Serve hot with butter and syrup.

Potato Pancackes

My mom made these often for our family when we were kids.  I’ve tweaked the recipe a bit, and I prefer to use frozen shredded potatoes because after quickly microwaving them, they cook through very well, where as if you use raw potatoes the outside of the pancakes may be overcooked and dry, while the potatoes in the center might still be crunchy.  And we like quite a bit of onions in ours, but feel free to scale it down, or just use a couple tablespoons of dried minced onion.
3/4 c flour
3/4 c milk
3 eggs
2 T butter, melted
2 T sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 T dried parsley
1/2 c chopped onion
3 c frozen shredded hashbrowns
Combine all ingredients except the onions and hashbrowns in a large bowl.
Whisk or stir until smooth.
Microwave the hashbrowns for 3 minutes on high.
Add hashrowns and onions to batter.
Heat pan or griddle to medium high heat.
Grease with a little butter, drizzle of oil, or nonstick spray.
Drop batter using a 1/3 cup measuring cup.
(Don’t overcrowd.) Cook for a couple minutes on each side until browned.
Serve hot with butter and syrup.
Makes about 10 pancakes.
VARIATION: Add chopped chives (or green onions) to batter.

Garlic Seared Onions

These are wonderful with biscuits and gravy, or with steak or burgers, grilled chicken, just about anything!

4 T butter or olive oil
2 large white onions, medium to thinly sliced
2 tsp garlic seasoning (I use Johny’s)
4 cloves minced garlic

Melt butter in skillet over medium high heat. Add onions, and saute for a couple minutes.
Add seasoning and stir in. Cook to desired doneness.

Sausage Gravy

My hubby LOVES biscuits and gravy.  It’s a very filling breakfast, and I love to make it for him when he’s had a hard week or is doing a lot of work that day.  And it doesn’t hurt that the girls gobble it up too!

1 lb. Italian sausage (we like mild-our butcher has a good one with lots of fennel seed)
6 T butter
1/3 c flour
3 c milk

Brown sausage in skillet.
Add the butter, and melt.  (Mine is really dry, if yours is greasy, either pour off the grease or use that instead of the butter)
Stir in the flour, cook for about 1 minute to cook out the raw flour flavor.
Now, whisk in the milk and cook over medium heat, letting it get thicker as it cooks.  If it has thickened up too much and gotten too thick, just whisk in more milk.

Dill Eggs

I love dill weed. I think it has such a good flavor and pairs nicely with lots of things, as you will probably see lots of recipes calling for this herb. It’s also very inexpensive and goes a long way. If you (for some odd reason) don’t like dill, you can leave it out and I won’t be offended. And if you’re doing a different amount of eggs, just remember a good rule of thumb is about 1 tsp each cream and butter for each egg used.

3 eggs
1 T cream (or milk)
1 tsp dill weed
1 T butter

Whisk all but butter together.
Melt butter in skillet over medium heat.
Add egg mixture and stir with a silicone spatula (or otherwise if not available)

The idea is to push the cooked layer off the bottom of the skillet so it kind of bunches up, letting the uncooked part flow down and take that room at the bottom of the pan.
While it still looks a little glossy, pull it off the heat so you don’t overcook it and have a bowl of curds and egg liquid. (NOT good eats)Enjoy!

Cinnamon Apple Pancakes

I love dried fruit. There are SO many great things you can do with it! This idea just happened one day out of staring at pancakes cooking for my girls and wanting to do something fun.

your favorite buttermilk pancake recipe or mix
dried apple slices

Pour your pancakes on a hot griddle as you normally would, then sprinkle with dried apple slices and cinnamon.
There is no need to rehydrate the apples, as they will absorb the moisture in the pancake.
Flip when ready, and cook until done.
I’ve tried mixing the apples into the batter, but I like the texture they get going directly on the griddle. If you like you can mix the cinnamon into the batter beforehand though.



This is a take from a dish my mom made all the time. She would take leftover baked potatoes and chill them in the fridge, then the next morning (or dinner even), she would slice them and heat them in a cast iron skillet. I still love them that way, but my husband loves cubed hashbrowns. Serve with breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

8 medium russet or yukon gold potatoes
1-2 large white onions, chopped (depending on preference)
canola oil
desired seasonings (I use about 1 tsp paprika, 2 tsp Johny’s Garlic Seasoning, s&p to taste)

Scrub potatoes, place in one layer on a plate.  Cover tightly with plastic wrap.  Microwave on high about 12 minutes, or until mostly cooked. (You want them slightly firm still)
Alternatively, if you have leftover baked potatoes, just use those.
Heat about 1 T oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. (I’d use a cast-iron if available)
Add onions, and chop potatoes. After onions are softened, add potatoes and sprinkle seasonings on top. Mix together, then let one side cook until browned.
Flip over, and finish cooking other side. Add more oil when necessary.
My cast iron skillet isn’t that large, so I do all this in 2 batches. If the layer is too deep, then you don’t get enough potatoes with a nice crust.

If you want, you can put these in a dish in the oven to keep warm for a while too, and they’re still great.

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