Sourdough Yogurt Flatbread

5 ingredients (including the salt) combine to make the most soft and tender flatbreads. I use these to serve with shawarma or hummus, for wraps and in place of tortillas. They come together so quickly and easily and are easy enough that young kids can help make them as well.
I purposefully feed my starter extra so I have can make a big batch of these.

One trick for rolling these out, don’t flour your board. Instead use a spray bottle to spray a little water or olive oil on your counter occasionally to keep the dough from sticking.
When using flour to roll out the dry flour will burn faster when you cook the flatbread and working extra flour in dough can make it dryer and less tender.
Cooking in a dry iron skillet is my favorite method but a griddle or other skillet would work as well.

You’ll know it’s time to flip when you get some bubble action!

These keep well in a ziplock bag at room temperature or in the freezer for longer storage. Just keep in mind if you brush them with a little melted butter and sprinkle with salt or cinnamon and sugar you WILL need to make an extra batch.

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