Charred Green Onion Pesto

If you go to the farmer’s market you’re likely to find an abundance of spring onions (or green onions) this time of year. Mine went a little wild in our garden this year because we’ve had a plethora of tiny baby bunnies make their home in our garden and well, I’m too much of a sucker to disturb them. I mean, come on…

Making a pesto is a great way to save fresh herbs for later but it makes great use of green onions as well.

Grilling is optional but I love the slightly charred flavor it gives the pesto and if you haven’t grilled lemons before you’re missing out on my favorite food group! I used roasted garlic cloves to add a little more flavor but fresh garlic cloves would work as well. I don’t use as much olive oil in this pesto because I can always add more when I’m using it to dilute it. I use these cookie dough silicone freezer containers to freeze mine in but ice cube trays work well too. One batch fit in 2 of my trays. Each tray has 15 compartments (about 2 Tablespoons in each compartment).

Toss with pasta, roasted potatoes or vegetables, add to a ranch dressing, spread on sandwiches…

Pesto Sauce

Pesto sauce has so many great uses, but on pizza instead of a red sauce is really fun. 
4 cloves garlic
2 cups basil leaves
1/4 cup walnuts, optional
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, optional
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
Mix garlic, basil, walnuts, and Parmesan in a food processor or blender.
While running, pour the oil in in a stream.
Process until smooth and beautiful.
TIP: Pesto sauce freezes especially well without any cheese.  But either way, you can pour the leftover pesto sauce into ice cube trays, let freeze, then empty into a zip lock bag and store if freezer and use as little or as much as you need later.
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