This is one of the funnest sensory activities we’ve done. Both my girls thought these were amazing. You know those “hatching eggs” they sell? You know, those “eggs” that “hatch” when you put them in water for a couple days… and cost $10 for a flimsy plastic toy you probably want to throw away?
Every time my 7 year old sees them she thinks they are the coolest thing ever and wants to buy one.
These totally save the day. Not only are they cheap to make but they are a really fun activity. I used some small dinosaur figures but of course you could use larger ones as well.
makes 4 to 5 small eggs
Small plastic figures
1 cup baking soda
food coloring, optional
2 T citric acid
1 T oil
Mix together the baking soda, coloring, and citric acid.
Add the oil, using just enough to get it to stick together when pressed. Add more, a 1/2 tsp at a time if needed. Just be careful not to add to much, this shouldn’t be a wet dough.
Form dough around small figures, we used dinosaurs, and leave on a tray to dry overnight at room temperature, uncovered.
Now comes the fun part! You can even put these in the bathtub, or in a tray of water. We had the most fun spraying them with vinegar. While the citric acid will create fizz with water alone using vinegar will REALLY make them fizz!
Slightly adapted from Fun At Home With Kids