I got a little carried away with this one 🙂
But my girls have SOOOOO much fun doing it with me, it really isn’t work, it’s a fun kitchen art project. Marshmallow fondant is super easy to work with, and is like edible playdough, so mistakes are taken care of rather quickly!
To make coloring the fondant easier, put a small amount into sandwich ziplock bags (one for each color you’ll need), then add a little gel coloring.
Massage color into fondant through the bag, this way you don’t get the coloring all over your hands, and you can close the ziplock when not in use.
You could make this a day in advance as well.
Check back tomorrow, I’ll show you a little something you can add to change this up too. 🙂
Carrot Cake and Cream Cheese Frosting
Marshmallow Fondant
Gel icing colors: orange, green, red, brown
Green jimmies
Crushed chocolate graham crackers
I baked my carrot cake in an 8 inch round pan, and a 9 inch square pan.
Make path dividers using folded strips of foil, then fill your “garden plots” with the “dirt” (crushed chocolate graham crackers).
Fill the path with green jimmies. Carefully remove dividers.
Make the path stones:
Work some brown color into some fondant, but not mixing all the way through, so as to leave some marbling. Roll out to about 1/4 inch thick in between 2 layers of wax paper, then cut out using a small square cutter or freehand with a knife. place along the green pathways.
make the basket:
Color some fondant light brown, and make very skinny ropes. Twist lightly together:
Make the carrots:
color fondant orange, then shape into carrots. Use a knife to make little marks. Can make some as short ones since they will be “underground”:
make some stems with green fondant:
use a toothpick to push the end of the stems in:
Make radishes:
Form teardrops from red fondant, and make leaves by curling a little circle into a point on one end and inserting into rounded end of teardrop.
Make watermelons:
marble a couple shades of green and shape into ovals. Make some coiled stems.
Make the cauliflower:
Form balls from white fondant, then add some texture to the tops.
For the cabbage leaves, indent leaf lines on small circles
Then form 3 or 4 around each cauliflower.
Fill the basket with some veg, and add a handle over the top, if desired. Place foods in ea garden bed, then make signs with food markers on a small rectangle of white fondant, and place on a toothpick stake. Use the full carrots and radishes for the basket, and the shorter ones to go in the dirt.

How on earth could you eat this? It’s too beautiful to cut up after all that work, I must admit if you were to take this to a cake auction you would acquire a good amount of money or a lunchon, you would have so many commpliments your head would hurt for a week. It’s beautiful