I like to make as much of our food as possible from scratch. Or at least attempt doing so.
But the truth is, sometimes I need a break. Autism and sleep disorders go together like PB and jelly… like Mork and Mindy… like Halloween and candy… like.. well, you get the picture.
Amelia wakes up around 1:30 to 3:30 (if I’m lucky) about every other night.
And that’s WITH a sleeping aid. So having some quick options on hand for dinner are an absolute must.
I saw these at Costco awhile back and gave them a try. I like making homemade tortillas and soft wrap bread for taco night, but they do take some time. (And truth be told, I’m not sure my homemade tortillas ever taste as good as these!)
These tortillas can be frozen, and keep quite well.
I seperate them into stacks of 8, lay flat in ziplocks and freeze. When I need some for dinner, just put a bag in the fridge for awhile to thaw, they peel apart easily, and I’ve never had issues with tearing or anything.
I throw them on a griddle, and they take no time at all to cook, turning just once.
At around $7 for a package of 44 they are definetely economical as well. I forgot to mention, they are located in the refrigerated section.
When life gets a little crazy and I know I’m just not going to be able to make a time-intensive dinner, taco night is an easy solution for us. I almost always have on hand the ingredients for it, and it’s the main reason I keep a few containers of precooked hamburger in the freezer. My family loves it, and having warm, soft, fresh tortillas makes it feel alot more comforting. I am not a fan of “fast food”, but this is a fast option I can get on board with.

I've never seen these but will keep an eye out for them. 🙂
I LOVE these! They are a staple in our house. Growing up my mom would make homemade tortillas but like you said it takes time, these are the next best thing. Since they come in two packs we keep one in the fridge and the other one in the freezer.
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