My baby… could she really be turning 8 this year? Today my mom went for a car drive with me and the girls, in an attempt to get Amelia to fall asleep. Lucy has a cold and was coughing, so Amelia of course woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep… at 12:30 am.
It worked, she fell asleep in the back seat, leaning on me.
I couldn’t help thinking of when she was a newborn, just 3 1/2 lbs. Pretty much the only time we could take her out of the house was to take her to her many doctor’s appointments, but she would stop breathing after about 5-10 minutes in the car. So we would have to pull over constantly and pick her up, rub her back, wait for her to stabilize again, and then go a little further. So today, I’m choosing to be eternally, deeply, and truly grateful for my trials. Because while I may feel like I’m sleepwalking at times, and feel overwhelmed by life, today I held my baby and didn’t have to fear that she would stop breathing.

Gratitude helps us see the blessings that are waiting to be enjoyed. I'm grateful we're friends.
You are so full of love and kindness and surely you are a tremendous blessing and light to your children and husband, as I know they are to you. Love Arica