Meet Lionetta the baby lion.
Okay, you got me. It’s not really a baby lion, rather my 5 year old, Lucy, who loves to pretend to be all sorts of people/creatures. Within a 2 hour period, she could be:
1. Millie the ice cream truck driver
2. Woofster the superdog
3. Beaver Boy
4. Millie the dinosaur
5. Lionetta the baby lion
And about a dozen others. Millie tends to be a popular choice. For some reason I think I should be posting at least 3 times a week, but balance seems a bit more important these days. Between homeschooling, dealing with the challenges of having a child with autism, a VERY busy 5 year old, running a household, and all my crazy ideas I come up with (this last week I decided I need to build about 9 tall bookcases and 2 china cabinets and a buffet…), anyways you get the idea.
I will still post 3 days a week in good weeks, but I’ve decided not to feel guilty if it’s only once or twice a week some weeks as well.
And of course, there’s my cookbook. Okay, my “possible” cookbook.
I have an idea for a cookbook that I would love to publish, that I think would be so helpful to friends and family. So I’ve been spending alot of time creating the recipes/plan for that… now just to get it published! 🙂
So I’ll see you around, just maybe not on a strict schedule 😉