Steel cut oats are the inner kernel, or oat groat and have only had the outer shell or hull removed.
They include the endosperm, bran and germ.
Quick cooking Irish oatmeal is Steel cut oats that have been steamed and rolled. They still include the endosperm, bran, and germ.
I really prefer them to other varieties. Healthy, with a wonderful subtle nutty flavor. The quick cooking Irish oatmeal is really delicious toasted to top just about anything, as you see in my berry flummery recipe. They are also delicious in baked goods, cookies, or just as plain oatmeal. I used them in my Irish soda bread recipe, and in my Irish apple cake as well.
The quick cooking oatmeal is more easily incorporated in recipes, but I encourage you to try the steel cut as well. Visit McCann’s Website for more history and information.
I find them locally at Whole Foods.

You're totally right!
Thanks for the reminder for a great St. Patrick's Day!