My oldest turned 12 and is OBSESSED with Mary Poppins. Some may say that’s because she has Autism.. but I think she’s just more in tune with what awesome is. 😀
We had a whole Mary Poppins themed party, it was so fun!
I made her a carpet bag, hat, and costume, and a sweet friend made her the scarf. The gloves were a thrift shop lucky find.
A sweet friend bought her the umbrella and it made her over the moon happy. She wears this costume all the time now! The dress was made from an old shirt, I added a red elastic waistband, blue skirt, and red bow. We found the hat for Daddy’s chimney sweep costume at Target. He still has to learn the chimney sweep dance routine. 😉
“17 Cherry Tree Lane Cherry Limeade” for the drink, my recipe is here.
Pic Nik Shoestring potatoes for “Fiddlesticks” 🙂 My favorite movie quote of all time “Fiddlesticks, boy! Feed the birds and what have you got? Fat birds!”
I HAD to make something for spoonfulls of sugar. At first I thought I’d just put a dollop of frosting on some small spoons but I had sugar cookie dough left and thought of this.
So glad I did, they were so cute! I just traced a small spoon (you can buy cookie cutters in spoon shapes too). I used a small rolled up piece of foil under my silicone baking mat so the spoons would be curved… but many of them broke after cooling. Next time I would just make them flat. Piped a dollop of frosting on the spoon and sprinkled with sanding sugar!
For the sugar cookies I made cherries, hats (using sprinkles for the decorations), daisies, and a waiter penguin.
I am not the best at decorating sugar cookies, but I was pretty happy with how theses came out!
I figured we shouldn’t have ALL sweets so I made kite PB sandwiches (twizzlers pull and peel licorice for the kite strings) and the umbrellas are made from babybel cheese cut in half and a cut down bendable black straw for the handle.
My daughter LOVES a special little candy shop in Portland, Candy Babel, so we had some of her sweets at the party. Licorice scottie dogs to represent Andrew (The little dog in the movie), gold coins for tuppence, gummy cherries, and gummy peach penguins.
Chimney soot treat bars and chimney sweeps, recipes here.
I made a little kite for the top of her cake with green paper , bendable gold ribbon, and washi tape for edge. I used twizzlers pull and peel for the red stripes, and used marshmallow fondant for the cherries (with this martha stewart mold) and also cut out letters from it to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious around the top.
I made the cake really small, so I made some mini cupcakes to go with it. The daisies were made with a tiny daisy cutter I have, and a mini candy chip in the center.
For the activity we made “stained glass kites”.
You’ll need:
Contact paper
Black construction paper or cardstock, cut in kite shapes and straight strips
Tissue paper squares
Glitter and sequins, optional
They place the kite shape on contact paper, then make the cross strips if they want, then sequins and glitter, then fill with tissue.
Top with another piece of contact paper, trim edges, and add a string. Hang in the window.
Other activity ideas:
Feed the birds: Make peanut butter pine cone bird feeders. Tie twine around a pinecone so you can hang it. Spread it with peanut butter and roll in birdseed.
Chalk drawings: This buttermilk chalk painting is SO fun for kids!… okay, adults too! I totally do it with my girls every time.
Visit a carousel.
Other refreshment ideas:
Cotton candy “London fog” or “chimney smoke”
Candy Apples (like Jane and Michael have at the horse race)
Tea sandwiches.. you could even do a whole tea party theme, go with the Tea party on the ceiling.
This girl was soooo happy to have a Mary Poppins party and we all had so much fun!
I made the invites, pretty simple, but cute:
The front: