An ice cream party is one of the funnest and easiest parties to throw. And tastiest, of course.
We have done one 2 years in a row for my oldest daughter’s birthday she liked it so much!
I’m going to share my tips so you can do this super simply!
I’ve done this making homemade ice cream or using a tub from the store. If you make homemade just be sure to make it a day ahead so it can firm up.
For the toppings. Go to the grocery store and pick out some fun things. If you have a Winco or other grocery store that sells bulk that works nicely so you only have to buy what you need. You may have things in your pantry all ready too.
This is a good chance to mix homemade with purchased items. I made the sauces myself along with the waffle bowls but I’ve also done it where I didn’t make anything but one sauce and it was loads of fun still.
Cute dishes for serving are fun, but even some mason jars are cute.
Since this was for a birthday I made an ice cream themed cake. Super easy. When you level off your cake rounds save the scraps and mix with frosting to make a big cake ball. Put on top of frosted cake and pour ganache over and while wet place cone on top of cake ball.
Topping ideas:
Sauces (purchased or homemade)
Marshmallow cream
Salted Caramel
Hot Fudge (serve in mini crockpot?)
Pineapple.. you get the idea. Just pick a few sauces 🙂
Strawberries or other berries
Chopped nuts
Mini Reese’s PB Cups
Whipped Cream
Pop rocks (This one is always the most popular!)
Crumbled Sugar cones
Mini marshmallows
Mini Chocolate chips
Chocolate dipped dried bananas
m and m’s
Whipped cream
Waffle bowls
Seriously, just have fun with it. Even gummy worms are fun!
Oh, and don’t forget the ice cream!!! I always just do vanilla since we have so many other flavors with the add ins but if you wanted to go all out you could do chocolate too of course!
The ice cream bowls and spoons are a set from Amazon and we still use them all the time! We ended up using them for the toppings and our big Corelle cereal bowls for serving since the kids could fit a waffle bowl inside them and all the toppings their hearts desired!