It seems we are in a different universe than the one I posted my last recipe in! While I usually post recipes I thought I would share some fun ideas as a long time homeschooler for those wondering how to make this time more calm and fun and less stressful on your kids.
While these may not all work for your family maybe one of these ideas with spark your own idea of what could work for your family.
Our home is more high risk with my Mom living with us, my husband and his asthma, my oldest daughter has special needs, and I have a chronic disease. So we are choosing to really be cautious at this time and limit contact with others and eliminate as much as possible.
This isn’t exactly something foreign to me honestly. When our oldest was born 2 months premature we got a crash course in germs. The first few years of her life she was sick almost constantly and we had to be very careful. And I learned something really valuable. There really isn’t much that you can’t put off or do without when necessary. Keeping your schedule free of excessive activities and errands frees up time for family. Now, I’m not saying this should turn us all into hermits. But instead of looking at this time of “social distancing” as a negative it could be seen as an opportunity to grow closer as a family. This will pass and before we know it schools will be back in sessions, there will be toilet paper aplenty on the shelves, and life will be back to normal.
But maybe this time together could start a new “normal” for your family. Where you make time together and instead of relying on sport coaches and teachers to teach your kids values and keep them occupied you might find limiting those activities so you have time as a family is even more beneficial.
If you’re worried about your kids “falling behind” just relax. They are on their own pace and don’t need to be in a contest with someone else. If there’s something they struggle with and you want to take some time to help them in that subject go for it. But don’t try to make your home a classroom. We have found the most comfortable place to do schoolwork is on the couch, in the reading nook, etc.
A few of these ideas utilize technology, most of them are technology free. Because if you spend this time plopping your kid in front of a screen to “learn” than this will be time wasted. I think it’s safe to say that most kids get way more than enough time in front of a screen. So even though a lot of companies are offering free access to educational sites right now they won’t be on my list.
Whether you read to your kids, with your kids, or read separately, reading is just all around good. Nothing helps your kids more academically than reading. Reading should never be presented as a punishment. Teach your kids to love reading and they will benefit in so many ways!
Create a family mealtime habit. You’ll never want to go back! I can’t put into words how important having meals together as a family is! If you cook it together that’s even better! Enjoy the time to talk and learn more about each other. You’d be surprised what you’ll learn over a plate of food!

Now would be a great time to make a list of what you have to work with and plan meals accordingly as a family. Think about using things that will go bad first so nothing goes to waste.
You don’t have to be good at art to enjoy it. And you don’t have to be the teacher either! My 12 year old loves giving her grandma drawing lessons!
I’m not just talking about filing out boring forms. Pass on stories about your relatives to your children, write them down and record them. Write your personal history with your kids, they could even write their own!
Maybe make a family history scrapbook. Include pictures and recipes and traditions. Teach your kids a recipe a family member taught you or that is from a country you have heritage in.
For St Patricks day we have a big Irish feast to celebrate my Dad who was loved his Irish heritage. No family members were alive to teach me any recipes so I learned them on my own.
Do you have a skill you’d love to teach your kids but haven’t had the time to do so? Maybe it’s sewing… an art form… maybe it’s woodworking.. whatever it is, share it, pass it on!
While I love having our meals together at the table I have found that it is also great fun to occasionally pile up lots of blankets and pillows and have dinner with a movie. My kids absolutely love this. We usually do homemade pizza and some fun snacks with it.
Planting a garden as well if you have supplies but otherwise you could enjoy some time planning out a garden even if a patio or windowsill is all you have to work with.
If you don’t have any and can’t order any online you could always make a game together. There are tons of ideas online or you could wing it!
My current favorite is Tenzi!
This is seriously my kids favorite app. Super fun and silly dancing and games along with breathing exercises. We use it every day, a great way to get wiggles out!
There are lots online, I recommend the Smithsonian
Whether you write a story, make a stop motion video, write a poem, or draw a story without words even this is such a fun activity. Afterwards you can have a viewing or reading party!
Totally juvenile, I know. But the older the kids the more hilarious the results. If you don’t have a big puppet collection you can make them using household items or even paper sacks. Or scrap the puppets and do shadow puppets.
I don’t have to come up with service ideas much anymore. Our 12 year old is our resident service coordinator! She has a charity “Lucy’s Stitched Hugs” and she sews quilts and stuffed animals to donate to various charities with some help from me and her Grandmother. It started just from teaching her how to sew and she saw the quilts my Mom and I made for Humanitarian purposes and wanted to help.
Sometimes kids need help thinking of an idea but sometimes just letting them come up with an idea and supporting them works too.
Older family members and friends could surely use some extra love right now. This time will be hardest on them and sending mail may not be safe if you are just sending more germs. If you have video calls set up take extra time to do that with them or regular phone calls too. If you live close maybe take your kids to decorate the outside of their windows or talk on the phone from outside. Talk to staff ahead of time to see what works.
These are a necessity in our house and we always have some. If you don’t have any look online there’s plenty to print from home. I will never be too old for mad libs!
If you have paint now would be a good time to do something out of the box!
Maybe your kid wants to paint something awesome on their wall or you want to do something creative on that boring wall… If it turns out horrible you can laugh about it and repaint later!
If you need mural tips check out my friend Racheal for inspiration.
When I was a kid my Mom would let us draw all kinds of pictures and make paper chains for different holidays and then we would decorate the house with them. My girls love doing this as well.
If you have a jar of glitter hiding in the back of a drawer dig it out. Make something sparkle and forget about the mess. As a long time homeschooler I can attest that no, you never will fully get rid of the glitter that spills. It’s okay. Sometimes the most fun comes when you embrace a little mess!