Wether I’m making my deviled eggs for a holiday, or for a salad, I HATE peeling eggs. It’s such a pain. A friend told me about this trick and I had to try it. I was amazed, it really did work! Not all of mine come out “perfect” still, but most of them really do. And it saves SO much time! Give it a try!
How To… Peel Eggs
Place eggs in a single layer in a pot and add water, you want the water about an inch higher than the eggs. Add a pinch of salt and heat to boiling over medium high heat.
As soon as the water boils, remoce from heat and cover. Set the timer for 12 minutes.
When the 12 minutes is up, pour off all the hot water.
Add ice to pot and cold water to cover. You want the water to feel cold. If it doesn’t, drain off warm water and add more ice and cold water.
Let sit for 10 minutes, or until eggs feel cold.
Drain off all but about 1/2 to 1 inch of water and cover.
Now gently shake the pot back and forth, letting the eggs knock against each other. Do this for about a minute.
Some shells should be totally fallen off, others may still be on partially.
I usually stop at this point, but you could keep shaking a bit more.
If you get too vigorous though, your eggs with have “potholes” from being thrashed about too hard.
Rinse off remaining shells under cool running water.
Store in the fridge for later use.

[…] but I think this way is texturally better and looks better to me. For a great tip on peeling eggs go here DEVILED EGGS Makes 12 printable version 6 eggs 6 T mayonnaise 1 1/2 tsp sugar dash salt and […]