We recently had our power go out twice. We’ve had some crazy windstorms around here. Luckily, we weren’t without power for long, but I was immediately grateful we have this! (Now flashlights and batteries… got to work on keeping those where I can find them!)
I think this is such a genius product. It’s an oven… that runs on TEA LIGHTS. Yep, tea lights. That means you can run it 24/7, you don’t need sunlight like a solar oven, you don’t even have to use it outside! There are no fumes, except of course the yummy bread baking. I am so impressed with this thing. And while we got it for emergencies we break it out and use it on occasion just for kicks. So zombie apocalypse, bring it on. 😉
Titan Ready Water is the company name and right now he’s offering a crazy deal, $50 off their Helius Rocket Stove, $30 off the Eco Herc, and a whopping $90 off the Herc Oven XXL (this is the one I have). Did I mention you can not only bake bread in this, you could even roast a WHOLE turkey? Oh, and it folds up to about 2 inches thick!
Click on the links below for the PDF flyers for more information about each product and the sale prices.