Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and my kitchen looks like a small tornado has hit. One apron has all ready been destroyed…
I feel so grateful for all of my blessings.
Even the dirty laundry, I have clothing to wash.
The muddy paw prints on the floor, we have a beloved dog.
My hubby’s dirty socks, I have a hubby I love dearly.
The endless doctor’s and therapy appointments to take my daughter to, we have access to great care for our sweet Amelia.
The messy fridge, we have plenty to eat.
Well, you get the idea. Even though we have a child with special needs, it is always apparent that many have more difficult challenges. And I can’t imagine my life without even the less pleasant or difficult challenges I’ve had. I’m so thank full for my family, my friends, and my faith. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

I hope your Thanksgiving was truly wonderful. I am thankful for your friendship. I just think you are wonderful.