Goodbye Summer….
I know, it seems a bit late to say…. but we’ve just finished cleaning up the garden beds for winter, and I wanted to share photos of our little garden spot.
I rearranged them this year (I didn’t like the rows we had origianally put them in)
I made two U shapes, with one in the center.
I added 2 by 4’s on the ends of some to train up plants on.
We planted seeds… and then this happened…
Heaven. There is nothing like having your own garden.
See this beauty? Unfortunately our weather didn’t allow most of the green tomatoes to ripen this year…
These metal barrels (scored for about $15 in the Lowe’s paint dept) made wonderful spots for spinach, lettuce, and arugala.
So, the garden is done. Farewell, my friend… until the spring.