When corn on the cob went on sale for 10 ears for $1 at our favorite produce store, I couldn’t resist grabbing some (okay…40 ears) for the freezer.
This is my easy, mess-free way of doing it.
Corn on the cob
Large pot of boiling water
Large container of ice water (Unless you have an industrial ice maker, buy a bag of ice)
Large bowl and small bowl for cutting corn in.
Electric knife
Freezer storage containers or zip top freezer bags.
First, remove husk and silk from ears. Have water boiling in a large pot (biggest you’ve got!).
Drop corn in water and let cook for 4 minutes. Immediately pull corn out and submerge in ice water.
Depending on how much corn you have you’ll need to work in batches.
When corn is cool, remove from ice water.
Now for the part that is usually messy, the cutting.
Place a small bowl upside down in the large bowl. Holding the corn at an angle, resting one end on top of the small bowl’s bottom, cut the kernels off 2/3rds of the depth of the kernels with the electric knife.
(For cream style corn, cut as much of the kernels off as you can, then scrape the milk off the cob as well.)
I use my super big shallow stainless steel bowl (If you need one, save your money and go to a restaurant supply store where they are super cheap!) and my 4 cup glass pyrex measuring cup for the small bowl in the middle. I don’t have a single stray kernel on the counter when I’m done, plus the electric knife makes it super quick and easy!
Put corn in freezer containers or bags and label, and freeze. Done!
- Corn on the cob
- Large pot of boiling water
- Large container of ice water (Unless you have an industrial ice maker, buy a bag of ice)
- Large bowl and small bowl for cutting corn in.
- Electric knife
- Freezer storage containers or zip top freezer bags.
- First, remove husk and silk from ears. Have water boiling in a large pot (biggest you’ve got!).
- Drop corn in water and let cook for 4 minutes. Immediately pull corn out and submerge in ice water.
- Depending on how much corn you have you’ll need to work in batches.
- When corn is cool, remove from ice water.
- Now for the part that is usually messy, the cutting.
- Place a small bowl upside down in the large bowl. Holding the corn at an angle, resting one end on top of the small bowl’s bottom, cut the kernels off 2/3rds of the depth of the kernels with the electric knife
- (For cream style corn, cut as much of the kernels off as you can, then scrape the milk off the cob as well.)
- I use my super big shallow stainless steel bowl (If you need one, save your money and go to a restaurant supply store where they are super cheap!) and my 4 cup glass pyrex measuring cup for the small bowl in the middle. I don’t have a single stray kernel on the counter when I’m done, plus the electric knife makes it super quick and easy!
- Put corn in freezer containers or bags and label, and freeze. Done!