It’s Father’s Day. And I can’t help but think of my Dad, who passed away when I was 19.
I think it was really the only time my heart was broken my whole life.
So while I think of him and remember what an amazing man and father he was, I’m very grateful for my husband, who I went on a first date with nine years ago this month. We went to the Portland Rose Garden and Japanese Garden on that date. And recently we went back again for a date night and had a picnic. It’s hard to believe in nine years we haven’t gone back, life got busy so quickly. But it was as beautiful as I remember. And I was struck by how much I still love this guy…
And how wonderful it is that our love started in a garden…
And then we planted our own little garden….
Happy Father’s Day. For my Dad, and for my husband, both wonderful dads.
And to all the great dads out there, thanks.