Last year my Amelia wanted a witch costume, but a cute one, not a scary one.
I put this one together real quick using some recycled clothing and few accessories. It’s been great for a dress up outfit since as well, and very comfortable since it was made with stretch fabrics.
For the dress I found this stretch velour dress for $2 at a second hand store.
I added a stripe around the waist with some hot pink crushed panne velour (at JoAnn Fabrics for under $5 a yard if I remember right). And as I sewed the panne stripe on I inserted some strips of tulle in the bottom seam.
For the cape I found this stretch velour jumper. I cut it off just under the arm holes, cut a opening down the center front, then added a large ruffle of the hot pink panne at the top. I made a casing and inserted some wide ribbon to tie it.
I added some pink and black striped tights and a frilly hat to finish it.
This is the best I could do for a picture, as my Amelia doesn’t like to hold still for them for long. 🙂

I love the pic you include of your family. I get homesick seeing them and missing all of you, but it makes me happy I can still follow a little of your life. The costume is very cute. Love you all.