It was a long standoff, but I finally caved. I mean, they weren’t going anywhere and waiting them out was useless. The Lego’s are here to stay.
But before I surrendered I made a compromise. If these little weapons of foot pain are going to stick around they need to have a home… besides the floor where they lay in wait like little grenades of destruction just waiting for you to step on them and cause excruciating pain… or the dog eats them.
I loved some of the ideas I’ve seen using Ikea’s trofast system, the trays are a good size for sorting colors and since they have a large opening you can easily sort around and find that elusive piece.
But I had a clear idea of how I wanted it to look, and wanted it to be on wheels… and out of wood, not particle junk.
So we made it ourselves! From scrap in the garage, even better!
I used plywood for the sides, dividers, top, and bottom. 1 by 3 for the bottom trim, 1 by 4 for the top trim, and trimmed the front of the sides to hide the plywood edge. 1 by 2’s worked well for the ledge for the trofast bins. Added some wheels and perfecto! We’ll probably add some Lego base plates to the top sometime, but for now it’s working great as is.
We even have a drawer for those directions that always get lost.
Lego cat was so excited she had kittens! Yay!