My youngest loves art and sometimes it takes over our house a little bit. I wanted to do a desk in her room for her room but I wanted it to be something different.
I started with this old school desk for $5 from City Liquidators in Portland, Oregon.
I unscrewed the base and scrubbed everything with an SOS pad.
I coated the desk top with modge podge and went to town with glitter….yes, I keep it in a spice jar. We go through a lot of glitter, so I combine the last bits to make a “rainbow” glitter.
Let it dry completely. Looks good, but needs another coat! Use a dry paint brush to brush the loose glitter off.
Repeat again, coating with modge podge and another coat of glitter. I used a combination of coarse and fine glitter. In the last coat I added some glitter shapes as well. It kind makes a fun “I spy” game.
The last step is applying a “Pour on high-gloss epoxy” I purchased it at Michael’s, it can get a bit expensive but you can use a 40% off coupon if you get it at Michaels. Here’s a similar one on Amazon.
This makes the desk super smooth and shiny.
Then I spray painted the base a cute pink. before reattaching.
I added a shelf and some pegboard above the desk for storage, along with the bookcase/hutch next to it. We’ll see how well it contains the art projects/ supplies!
I love how sparkly it is!
I left the pegboard really big since I figure the upper part she can use to display her art.
I’m sure we’ll paint the bookcase a fun color sometime, but we love how this turned out! What a makeover for a $5 desk!!!