Conflicted… is the state of my jumbled mind. I have registered a new “domain name”, which is The conflict comes from trying to decide if I should incorporate some of my other loves into the new site. Like sewing, quilting, kids crafts, etc. You see, I can’t remember a time when I could possibly have just one hobby or passion. While I have tried many different art forms, there are of course my favorites. Quilting, sewing, wool felt applique, spinning… yes, spinning. You read that right. Oh, I know spinning isn’t exactly a “popular” thing, but when you have pet sheep as a kid it’s kind of the natural progression of things.. yes, I had pet sheep. Twin coopworth lambs, Mork(aka porky morky) and Mindy. What was I saying? Oh, focus.
Like I was saying… Do I focus the site on cooking and baking? Or do I include some quilting, sewing. kid’s crafts, etc? Decisions. I should really not be so sleep deprived when I’m making decisions, but that could be years….

I love to hear about everything you are doing…though I may get a totally homesick and just jump on the plane to see you. So, maybe you should only share what you have so far…though maybe you should share more…hmmm.
I say it should be an all about Holly blog! You have so many amazing talents I think you should share all of them with us less talents folk. 🙂