Cooking with kids
House of friendship
So I just had to share pictures of it to inspire you all. I can’t think of a better way to show a friend you care, can you? Merry Christmas. I hope you’re all remembering to give what counts most. Your love and time.
Christmas Tradition
One of our favorite traditions is on the night we decorate the tree we don’t cook dinner.
Instead, I serve cold meats and cheeses with crackers or bread.
Along with that, we always have an assortment of mustard, strong German pickles, etc.
So when I received a box of Hickory Farms goods as a part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program, I knew exactly what we would use it for. (Especially since that’s what we usually buy anyways! : )
So the day we decorated our tree I put out our nicest tablecloth on the table and lit some candles.
Put out our nicest dishes, a beautiful red glass set that were my grandmothers.
We poured goblets of sparking cider and as we were eating I reminisced about similar traditions my parents had. I was quite the Daddy’s girl when I was little, and if he went somewhere I was surely closely behind.
I recall going into the Hickory Farms store in the mall and helping him pick out some things to take home every Christmastime.
He would have loved the dinner, and I wish he were still here to come. But I feel quite blessed that my Mom lives with us and can see us caring on traditions that she enjoyed creating with my father. If anyone deserves a thank you in my life, the biggest would have to go to my Mom. She has made the adjustment of living with us, been my biggest supporter through all the trials of bringing home a 3 1/2 pound baby almost 2 months early, dealing with Autism later on, and all that comes with it. My daughters will have the most amazing memories to look back on when they are older. They live in a home surrounded by those who love them the most.
Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and my kitchen looks like a small tornado has hit. One apron has all ready been destroyed…
I feel so grateful for all of my blessings.
Even the dirty laundry, I have clothing to wash.
The muddy paw prints on the floor, we have a beloved dog.
My hubby’s dirty socks, I have a hubby I love dearly.
The endless doctor’s and therapy appointments to take my daughter to, we have access to great care for our sweet Amelia.
The messy fridge, we have plenty to eat.
Well, you get the idea. Even though we have a child with special needs, it is always apparent that many have more difficult challenges. And I can’t imagine my life without even the less pleasant or difficult challenges I’ve had. I’m so thank full for my family, my friends, and my faith. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Goodbye summer
Father’s Day
New Site!
After a few glitches, the blog is up and running again! Awhile back I had registered this domain name and finally got around to switching it over. I’m still using the blogger template, so it should look the same for all of you. The address is now, so it should be easier to remember than the .blogspot address. At some point I want to expand it to include crafts, sewing, kids, etc. But for now, cooking will still be the mainstay. Thanks for your support while the confusion was going on!
Conflicted… is the state of my jumbled mind. I have registered a new “domain name”, which is The conflict comes from trying to decide if I should incorporate some of my other loves into the new site. Like sewing, quilting, kids crafts, etc. You see, I can’t remember a time when I could possibly have just one hobby or passion. While I have tried many different art forms, there are of course my favorites. Quilting, sewing, wool felt applique, spinning… yes, spinning. You read that right. Oh, I know spinning isn’t exactly a “popular” thing, but when you have pet sheep as a kid it’s kind of the natural progression of things.. yes, I had pet sheep. Twin coopworth lambs, Mork(aka porky morky) and Mindy. What was I saying? Oh, focus.
Like I was saying… Do I focus the site on cooking and baking? Or do I include some quilting, sewing. kid’s crafts, etc? Decisions. I should really not be so sleep deprived when I’m making decisions, but that could be years….
Happy St. Patrick’s Day Dad
Go raibh maith agaibh (Thank You)
Don’t ask me to pronounce that, okay? : ) Learning to speak Irish Gaelic is still on my list of things to accomplish. I couldn’t go to bed tonight without saying thank you. To all my amazing friends. It’s easy to feel unappreciated and overwhelmed, caring for an autistic 6 year old and a plucky 2 year old. (And their daddy). But all I have to do is see a great friend and feel so supported, understood, and appreciated. Even when some don’t have their own husbands or kids yet, or don’t know what it’s really like to deal with Autism. Tonight we had our annual “Irish Dinner” in honor of my Dad, who was so proud of his Irish Heritage. And while dinner wasn’t served until an hour after everyone came, one dish got cold in the process, my oldest took all her clothes off a few times, my youngest decided to put her hand in her dirty diaper, Charlie (our golden retriever) wouldn’t stop chewing on everyone’s shoes and slobbering on anyone in reach…. It doesn’t matter when in the company of amazing friends. And all the feedback I get about the blog, my new hobby, just makes me wish I hadn’t waited so long to start doing it! I’m so glad to be able to share of my love of cooking and baking and to be so appreciated is such a bonus. So…. go raibh maith agaibh. I mean it with all my heart.