I’m Holly. I’m a homeschooler and a special needs mom and I love to create recipes that bring smiles to my family.

I am passionate about family mealtime and I could write volumes about the benefits of having time together as a family at the table with no technology, just food we made together with lots of love.
Like every other Mom I know I find myself being pulled in a million directions but committing to meals as a family has been infinitely beneficial to my marriage and family. It’s gotten us through lots of challenges and helped us lean on each other. It’s helped my daughters make amazing progress with food aversions and sensory challenges. They are my best helpers!

I won’t publish a recipe unless it’s one we love and I hope you try them and agree! I like to make my own recipes, so unless otherwise noted they are of my own creation.
You can contact me at mystainedapron (at) gmail.com